PCH.com - $5,000 a Week For Life PCH Sweepstakes Giveaway No.13000 on August 30th 2019 SuperPrize! You'd get $5,000.00 a week for life!. - As usual, no purchase necessary to enter the sweepstakes. New PCH Sweepstakes – Win and you’d get $5,000 A Week for your life, week, after week, after week!. Drawing will be held on NBC Television. Do You Want to Turn Back Time? PCH are looking for someone to take home the prize that pays out an incredible Five Thousand a week for life... WILL YOU BECOME Publishers Clearing House NEXT BIG WINNER? "Special Early Look" Prize Event Winner Announced at the of the summer! The Winner may not choose to take a lump-sum cash payment for this drawing but instead the winner will receive $5,000.00 A-Week-For-Life with a guaranteed
minimum of $1,000,000.00. Get You PCh Sweepstakes Entry Today.
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PCH $5000 a Week for Life |
Win $5,000 a Week for Life
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The prize Patrol will be knocking on the winner's door with balloons, champagne and a big check $5000 a-week-for-life sweepstakes prize.. Don`t miss it! Are you the lucky winner they are looking for? The Forever Prize! Also don't miss Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes – Win a Million Dollar - PCH $1,000,000 Superprize.
As Stated on PCH Official Website:"Giveaway No. 13000:
Winner may be determined earlier. See Official Rules for details.
If the Special Early Look winning number is not timely returned or ineligible, a second chance drawing will be held among timely eligible entrants to award a $1,000,000.00 SuperPrize. Weekly payments will continue for the life of the winner and after that for the life of one other person designated by the winner as the secondary recipient. You Have Not Yet Won. All Entries Have The Same Chance Of Winning. The winner has not been identified. We don't know who the winner is. If you enter our Sweepstakes, your entry will have the same chance to win as every other entry.
Enter For Free. You don't have to buy anything to enter. Just follow the instructions in the Official Rules.
Remember Buying Won't Help You Win. Your chances of winning without a purchase are the same as the chances of someone who buys something. It would not be lawful to give any advantage to buyers in a Sweepstakes." So No Purchase necessary to enter PCH Sweepstakes.
"PROMOTION SPECIFICS: Entry Deadline: 11:59 P.M., ET, 8/27/19. Upon timely entry, your assigned Prize Number(s) will be fully eligible to win. If you are eligible for multiple entries, multiple Prize Numbers will be assigned to you. Entries submitted from this Promotion after the deadline will be deemed invalid. Prize will be paid as follows: If the matching winning number for Giveaway No. 13000 is assigned to a timely entrant from this Promotion, the winner will receive $5,000.00 A-Week-For-Life with a guaranteed minimum of $1,000,000.00. Periodic payments (eg. daily, weekly, monthly) may be paid in advance for up to one year, for any year during which such periodic payments are due to be made. Win $1,000,000.00 from Giveaway No. 18000 and you will receive $25,000.00 a year for 29 years, and a final payment of $275,000.00 in the 30th year. Present value of Giveaway Nos. 13000 and 18000 will vary depending on interest rates and market conditions at the time of the award. PCH expressly reserves the right, at its option, to award merchandise prizes in cash at the stated value."
New PCH Sweepstakes not $5000 a Week FOR LIFE
As Stated on PCH Official Website:"Giveaway No. 13000:
Winner may be determined earlier. See Official Rules for details.
If the Special Early Look winning number is not timely returned or ineligible, a second chance drawing will be held among timely eligible entrants to award a $1,000,000.00 SuperPrize. Weekly payments will continue for the life of the winner and after that for the life of one other person designated by the winner as the secondary recipient. You Have Not Yet Won. All Entries Have The Same Chance Of Winning. The winner has not been identified. We don't know who the winner is. If you enter our Sweepstakes, your entry will have the same chance to win as every other entry.
Enter For Free. You don't have to buy anything to enter. Just follow the instructions in the Official Rules.
Remember Buying Won't Help You Win. Your chances of winning without a purchase are the same as the chances of someone who buys something. It would not be lawful to give any advantage to buyers in a Sweepstakes." So No Purchase necessary to enter PCH Sweepstakes.
"PROMOTION SPECIFICS: Entry Deadline: 11:59 P.M., ET, 8/27/19. Upon timely entry, your assigned Prize Number(s) will be fully eligible to win. If you are eligible for multiple entries, multiple Prize Numbers will be assigned to you. Entries submitted from this Promotion after the deadline will be deemed invalid. Prize will be paid as follows: If the matching winning number for Giveaway No. 13000 is assigned to a timely entrant from this Promotion, the winner will receive $5,000.00 A-Week-For-Life with a guaranteed minimum of $1,000,000.00. Periodic payments (eg. daily, weekly, monthly) may be paid in advance for up to one year, for any year during which such periodic payments are due to be made. Win $1,000,000.00 from Giveaway No. 18000 and you will receive $25,000.00 a year for 29 years, and a final payment of $275,000.00 in the 30th year. Present value of Giveaway Nos. 13000 and 18000 will vary depending on interest rates and market conditions at the time of the award. PCH expressly reserves the right, at its option, to award merchandise prizes in cash at the stated value."
Publishers Clearing House has change the life of so many people through the years. By making many millionaires and changing their life forever with their sweepstakes. Maybe you are the next winner to become a millionaire. Everyone as a chance to win the Jackpot. No purchase necessary to enter any sweepstakes. It's free for everyone. What are you waiting for? You may be the next millionaire they are looking for.
New PCH Sweepstakes not $5000 a Week FOR LIFE
See official PCH.com Sweepstakes site for sweepstakes rules and prize details.
PCH.com Entry Sweepstakes 2019
PCH.com Entry Sweepstakes 2019
I will win this Giveaway 1830... I've been doing lately positive thinking. Attracting good things in my life. This is already started and $1Million and $5K a week for life sweepstakes from PCH will be the summit of my luck. I've been playing PCH Games sweepstakes for quite a long time... Thanks Marisa
ReplyDeleteI an going to win this 5,000 a week because I have faith that GOD knows I need this help.
ReplyDeleteI pray �� to God ,I win �� soon.in wish �� everyone the best of luck �� as well.No weapon performed against me should prosperity.Every tongue �� that rises up �� against me should be condemned.
DeleteI fred w hines has been playing pch fo the last five years and for being the winner I would beable to help my wife+family with the billls that we all have and I would like to help other people that's in need so I'm asking god to please grant me the blessing that I need in jesus name amen. Pchgiveaway1830.
ReplyDeleteI wish it true if i win i will pay my medical bill and my children college. IF i win
ReplyDeleteI will be looking and waiting for PCH to pull in my driveway in a few more weeks with the winning number 1830 giveaway. Counting down the days and marking each day off the calendar. Thank you Lord and thank you PCH as Gods angels in disguise for helping those in need. I have no idea what I will say but I do know tears of joy will fall like rain. BELIEVE, FOR GOOD THINGS DO HAPPEN AND NEVER GIVE UP HOPE... Victoria S.
ReplyDeleteI wood only hope NT just for me but for my kids they are young I could only dare to dream but I just pray for those an myself. Last thank u
ReplyDeleteI think Im going to win I had å dream that ive won $25,000 and $5,000 and å few days after that. Ive dream that i received å lump some of money . i never really dream about money. guys Im scared and happy at the same time. what do yall think these dreams means. help
ReplyDeleteI would bless others as well as my family.AND I GOT TO GIVE TO THE CHURCH.
ReplyDeletePraying and hoping to win,6 kids 3 in the home plus my niece with special needs,2 kids needing a care.I pray for this everyday.
ReplyDeleteI beleiveit is my destiny to win weekly pch superprize. I have been playing for a while and this is my time. I am so my family doents know but I can geel it wy heary. I dont even know what to do aftet I win to show my thanks to Jesus. I will be the best zi can be
ReplyDeleteLuzdelia Arroyo: I have entered the PCH Sweepstakes, for whatever reason it's not allowing me to enter, It would be a once of a lifetime miracle dream come true for me and my family, please make me a winner, God bless!! all those people that can and will make it happen. Thank you! .
ReplyDeleteIt wil be nice if I won the 5,000.00 sweepstakes, it help me and my family with Bills.
ReplyDeleteI really hope I'm the one who wins. I've really been one of those people who literally live from week to week by paycheck. I don't do anything but make sure my family is taken care of before me. I pray everyday, but I know God has better prayers to answer. That's why I do everything PCH asks of me. Good luck everyone & God Bless
ReplyDeleteI have faith that I will win the $5000 sweepstakes in August cause my family and I really could use it as well as my church that burned down last year and other charities.I leave it in GODS hands.AMEN!
ReplyDeletePlease let me be the next winner. Pch Sweepstakes are the best. $5000 a week for life this what I need to change my life forever. Thanks
ReplyDeleteThank you for allowing me to have the chance to enter, if I win I would buy my kids their own home and finish buying my brothers house, our mother passed away nov 18,2012 and we are still grieving, I would give money to hospice because they cared for my mother until the end and they also seen the family through. But again thank you
ReplyDeleteIm a single mother i dont have my own house no car i can bearly buy pull ups for my baby i need this. So i can give my son a better life. A life i didnt have growing up.
ReplyDeleteI teally want to win.im 47 and be able to afford to buy a home for my family. right now i pay rent.
ReplyDeleteI don't know. This matching number thing bothers me. How will we know if our matching numbers were the winners if we do not see it?
ReplyDeleteI have faith in god nobody but him know what Ive been going trough, but whoever wins Im sure deserves that money!! thank you pch for giving me the opportunity to be part of this, and good luck to everyone :)
ReplyDeleteI will put my faith in the Lord's hands and I wish everyone the best im praying to win because I want my babies to have the best out of life and I want to own my dream home
ReplyDeleteI can positively say that everybody wont win that claims they will sorry it would mess most of us up too
ReplyDeletei would pay for my family needs help others by starting a non profit org. and live life comfortably.
ReplyDeletethanking jesus everday even if i didnt win
I'm a single father and raised 3 boys would love to win a new house
ReplyDeleteWinning is fun.But we are all winners everyday by giving freely to others that have lesser than ourselves.
ReplyDeleteI would like to say, I pray for there safe travel to whomever the winner is, and that the winner knows its a blessing from our father, a gift from PCH and truly lifechanging for that person and family. May you all be blessed, I know only one of us can be bountifully blessed come tomorrow, and thanks again for the chance to become tomorrows Big lifechanging winner. Thank You God Bless.
ReplyDeletePlease god let me win
ReplyDeleteAs a person that has always done what i could for others including putting them in the ground when they passed away to young, as well as donating all money for the toy for toys for the kids, and so many other things. I know of 2 things i would do to help out everyone in the U.S. As a nurse who grew up in a very large family of medical professionals ( over a dozen of us ) i had to sit down and write a book about the Free medical care that is out there for everyone that no one talks about. I have included not only the info. you will need for some as well as websites and phone numbers. I also have a great many listings of where to go to get your meds for free or very low cost. I will send everyone a copy of this book for free. As well as i will put in safe rooms for every school, hospital, and nursing home so there would be very little loss of life. As well as every home will get a safe room as well as Apt. Complex's to. This way we will never have any loss of massive lives again. The reasons why i want all the hospitals and nursing homes to have the safe rooms in them is because we loose so many lives in transit when there is bad weather and this should not be. As well as there is only 1 hospital in the U.S. that has a safe room in it and it happens to be the Federal gov'. hospital ! Shocked? It makes me so mad that this should be required for all of them. Take care & please be safe, Luann
ReplyDeleteWinning PCH 3080 would mean being able to pay for my medication for my heart and diabetic supplies that i can't afford now.
ReplyDeleteI wish everyone good luck and Please take care and have a very safe weekend, Luann
ReplyDeleteGiveaway No. 3577 Good luck to everyone & please take care & be safe, Luann
ReplyDeleteI hope my dreams do come true and win it would mean the world to me and my famliy so wich me luck Thank you
ReplyDeleteIf I won the Pch $10Million.superprize immediately, I would pay first IRS off and make a donation of A half Million.to help free as many Jews out of the Soviet union hands and back to Israel before it's too late and than purchase some health insurance for my family , my wife has grave desease, and I need to get my Prostate checked , because I'm over 50 years old , my mother who is 82years have a lot of bills , I would like to pay all her bills and than Purchase a home for my family away from Philadelphia , Penna. , like in North Carolina and I saw the house that I want there already, hopefully it will still be there and available, and to get around down there we need good transportation.thanks for Listening.
ReplyDeleteIf by an odd chance i might win from PCH i will promise everyone these 2 things and i am not kidding.
ReplyDeleteFirst i will send everyone in the U.S. a copy of my book because i list 3 ways to get Free Medical Care. And NONE of these ways are Medicaid at all!!! And i have a great deal of Places where everyone can get Free Medication or even Low cost Medication as well. I not only list there websites, but also there phone numbers as well. This is not a joke at all!!!
The second thing i promise to do and it will be a long time to do this because of the cost is i will pay to put Safe rooms in Every Hospital, Nursing Home, School across the U.S. But i will also pay to put in Safe rooms in every Home, Apt. Complex, as well as RV Park in the U.S. My goal is to have safe rooms put in everywhere so we will not loose lives anymore in the U.S. in bad weather. As a nurse as sad as it is we loose more lives in transit in bad weather than any other time. And in this day and age this should not be at all!!! It makes me so mad because not only do we put our lives on the line to protect them, but the weather will not allow us to do this.
So good luck to everyone & Please take care and be safe, Luann
I have always tried to help others out as much as i can over the years because i was raised to do this. I help the Toy for tots as much as i can, as well as putting others in the ground when they pass away. I even know & do a bike rally that is made up of nothing but active and retired cops, DEA agents, as well as Border Patrol Agents. And if ya all knew what these men & woman are telling me you would have a heart attack!!! This is not a joke. When there bosses boss it telling them that there bosses bosses, boss ( re; Obama ) is telling them to release the illegals who are crossing into the U.S. then he is breaking the Federal Laws that have been on our books forever!!
ReplyDeleteBut i will send everyone a free book with 3 ways of getting Free Medical Care, and even more than 50 ways to get Free or very low cost Medications.
I will also pay to put in safe rooms everywhere for everyone. I'm talking homes, schools, hospitals, ect.
Good luck to everyone because we all can use it. & Please take care & be safe, Luann
Awesome. Be safe Luann.
DeleteI would love to win 5,000.00 a week forever
DeleteI would love to win $5,000.00 a week forever, thank you pch, amen
DeleteI pray �� to God that PCH .no 3080 and 3600 come through
DeleteWell good luck to everyone, Luann
ReplyDeleteI am praying that I win a super prize I am on SSI/SSD and can't work ,so I wish too be a winner and get out of Dept. PS God bless us all..
ReplyDeleteOmg!! My name is Pauline, im from Miami, FL & I have been praying for this opportunity to be the next winner, of Nov. 26, 2013 of giveaway #3080, of the $7,000 a week.. Guys wish me luck!!!
ReplyDeleteWell Oct.6th is my Birthday , I'll be 57years young, still never won anything in my life, would love to win big for the first time, so that I could get my Mom out of debt, along with my wife, and purchase our own New home and have a cushion to fall back on because good jobs are scares out here and my wife deserves that and my mother , Thanks for listening Pch.
ReplyDeleteGood luck to everyone and please take care & ride safe, Luann
ReplyDeleteI am homeless and unemployed due to a work injury. Winning this money would be such an honor and blessing, I would make sure we all have our needs met. It would be so nice not having to worry about not having food or clothes or even a roof over my head. I would like to pay back everyone that has helped me in my situation. I have some medical issues I am not able to pay for so it would be great to be able to afford doctor bills and medication for myself as well as others that need help. Thanks for listening everyone, good luck to us all.
ReplyDeleteGood luck God Bless.Theatmus
ReplyDeleteWhen I when I'm going to start a church and a real helping center and take care of my family ...
ReplyDelete5,ooo a week for life sounds great love to play pch
ReplyDeleteI hope I win for me and my family it's been hard time for use l just want to be happy not sad so good luck to everybody
ReplyDeleteWow, I'm getting sooo excited, Can't wait until Feb. 28th 2014, so i can be told Pauline of Miami, FL you're PCH New Winner...
ReplyDeleteIf i win i will remain on the bottom of the totem pole. Other people's needs overtake mine growing up poor helps you be able to put others before your own well being ive lived this way my whole life and will continue to live that way until the day i die
ReplyDeleteThis is like music to my ears, Winning $1,000,000.00 A Year "Forever", Plus $5,000.00 A Week For Life is just Awesome, so pls make me ur next WINNER...*****
ReplyDeleteI hope I win and for my fam. I want to be happy and win for my kids for college
ReplyDeleteWow, every time that find a New home that I want to own one day,I never get it, every time that I enter Pch, wether it be, the Superprize or Forever or For Life Prize , someone else gets it,and than that question comes up, wouldn't you like to see the Pch Team at your door, or which Van would you like them to be driving? To me it doesn't matter, Pch ,I've stressed out a many of times thinking that one day you would come my way, and than I can go and purchase my own New home and quit this good for nothing job that I have with no benefits, paycheck to paycheck , not enough top pay all of my bills , can't afford to take care of my family , the only benefit on this job is : if it snows , you will get docked, that means no pay that day and lately it's been snowing almost every day, Pch Please let me win something that I can retire on and be proud of? Thankyou for Listening.
ReplyDeleteI know that I'm not worth anything, but,I'm worth A chance to become A Pch Millionaire now.
ReplyDeletePCHSearch&win:Sweepstakes! Win 1,000,000.00 Before & after,From PCH Prize Patrol:GWY.NO.3577. Winning This Entry Could Bring A Lot Peoples Dream's Come true. And Bring More Smiles Then I Could Count In a minute.So Could You PCH Prize Patrol Make That Smiling Dream a Reality I Need all the help i can Get. Ty With Hug's & Kiss's Prize Patrol.
ReplyDeleteI want to win publishers clearing house superprize 1830,3080 gwy 3577,3726,april 30
ReplyDelete7,000 every week for life that would be great I would travel have fun
Good luck toevery body
Yes I would love to win the $7,000.00 a year for life,god knows I need it.Please god bless me with this in Jesus name I pray.
ReplyDeleteI want to win publishers clearing house super prize ,that's the $7,000 every week for life,god knows I need it.
ReplyDeletei want to win pch superprise and $7,000.00 a week for life on april30th and want spend with family
ReplyDeleteReading all of the posts I realize their are a lot of people hoping and praying to win. There are so many people struggling and in need. I pray that the Lord will do his will and that the money would go into hands that will bless others with it. It has been fun for all of us to dream and hope a little about what we would we do if we won. I like the idea of money sent every week for life so that I would be able to budget it and not blow it.
ReplyDeleteI like ketchup, but I love PCH. Ooo and I love cookies :) . Just thinking good ;)
ReplyDeleteGood afternoon PCH, Well I got soon bad news from my doctor and Friday May 9, 2014 I will have surgery, and then another doctor will do what he can. Please just Pray for me. I don't want to leave here. God Bless Everyone, Sincerely yes I do really want to win even if its $5000.00 a week.
ReplyDeleteI along with everyone else on this site,would love to win:) I have recently become disabled and can no longer work. I have two daughters who are in college(they have a 3.7 and a 4.0 grade average) my girls also have recently gotten engaged. I will have two graduations and two weddings so you see I would love to win and give them both weddings of their dreams plus a graduation present of epic proportions.
ReplyDeleteI want to win publishers clearing house superprize 1830,3080 june30th
ReplyDeletei want to win
I want to win to help my famliy and freinds go on vacations visit my mom in Tennessee do some donations have fun al with my wife
Good luck to everybody
PCH pls activate my entries, in Claiming my Entries 1830/3080, 3577, & 3726 Win $7,000.00 a week "Forever" Prize on April 30th... I truly want to Win!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteSomeone gets to win. Hope me. Lol But wish whoever good luck. Like everyone else I would help family and I am a sucker for those in need. Prayers ri all :):) Catch ya later
ReplyDeleteIf I win I can take the burden off my shoulder by paying my student loan off and get my very first apt instead of me and my daughter living with my friend.
ReplyDeleteThis is what i'm gonna do if i'm the winner of the 5k is help the 2 people that always been there for me and their my best friends my Mama and my older sister and then payoff my house.
ReplyDeleteI really wish that it was possible for each and everyone of us could win at least what we really need plus a little more to keep our heads above the water. I always wish GOD blessing upon everyone because we all need it in so many ways. GOD Bless and good luck to all.
ReplyDeletePCH i wanna wanna Win $5,000.00 A Week "forever" gwy no. 3080 on Aug. 28th, plus leaving a Legacy to my daighter...
ReplyDeletePCH i wanna wanna Win $5,000.00 A Week "forever" gwy no. 3080 on Aug. 28th, plus leaving a Legacy to my daughter...
ReplyDeleteI will love to win being older and don't have much life left. You just want to be a little happy and help myself and other. Thank You PCH.
ReplyDeleteI really wish I wood win it all so I hope for the best
ReplyDeleteI Really wish that I won 5000 for life because I wood help everyone that need it prizes will be paid as follows if the winer will receive 5000 a week for life aguraranteed 1000,000,00 in timely number 3080 3577-1830-3726-
ReplyDeletePch 3080
ReplyDeleteI wanna wanna Win $5,000.00 A Week "Forever" on Aug. 28th, gwy no. 3080.....
ReplyDeletePlease pch let me win. You have no idea to how much this could help our lil family. My husband and I lost his parents big exactly a year a part and lost my father the same year. So now we're taking care of my mom who had heart problems. We literally been through every struggle there is and the devil thinking it's gonna brake my marriage but we're still standing strong hoping that if we continue to do good n Humble our self that God will finally give us our break.. We have 3 beautiful babies age 5,1,3 months who thinks that mommy n daddy are ok with money because we never allow our babies to see how much we struggle to get them there wants n needs.. Counting our change after bills and grocery are taken care of is making our journey so hard.. Please i ask that you pch make me your august 28 2014 winner... Nd best belive that everyone around me and my lil clan will be taken care of.. Luv Susan T
ReplyDeleteyes pch I am claiming my entry to win 5,000.00 aweek for life gwy no 3080 to be the next winner for the special early look event on August 28th
ReplyDeleteYes yes yes, PCH i wanna Win $5,000.00 A Week "Forever" on Aug. 28th gwy no. 3080 and 3727....
ReplyDeletePCH i wanna WIN $5,000.00 A Week "Forever" on Aug. 28th gwy no. 3080, oh yeah.....
ReplyDeleteMy Birthday is 2-28 ii have FAITH I WILL SEE PRIZE PATROL and win
ReplyDeleteThe forever prize ! For I believe The Lord intended this for me :)
PCH i wanna Win $5,000.00 A Week For Life, gwy no. 4900.... Win win win!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteYes it be my turn doon.but ig not now I still keep trying evrry day I try to enter in .
ReplyDeleteI hope I win I really need this
ReplyDeleteI would like to win...praying for everyone else also..but I would like to win to get my kids a place to live. We have been staying with my mom and it's just getting to be too much for everyone. I always do things for others no matter how poor I am so thats never a question. If I don't win it I will not complain because I know god will take me through anything. But thank you for giving me the opportunity!
ReplyDeleteDreaming I WIN PCH PRIZE PATROL KNOCK ON MY DOOR WITH A BIG CHECK Gloria Lewis of Albany Ga
ReplyDeleteYes indeed, i wanna Win Double Cash, $10,000.00 gwy no. 3577....
ReplyDeleteGreetings, Pch, you're the only source that I just may have a chance to get my prayers answered, I know that I'm a grown man crying and can't do anything about my financial background, I really miss my wife and daughter, tremendously, and they miss me, in my pass, I lost my job, because they went out of business, while I was working there, and I didn't plan for a plan B. So they had to move back to North Carolina , all of the other jobs that I had, didn't last long. I'm in so much debt, until I can't afford to visit or go and see my family, please make away for me to be with my wife and daughter. Thank you
ReplyDeleteYes i wanna Win $1,000,000.00 Cash Prize from gwy no. 3577.....
ReplyDeleteYES I WANT TO WIN $1,000,000.00 PRIZE FROM GWY.3577 Superprize Event October 9th.
ReplyDeleteI am really looking forward to see the PCH patrol car coming to see me. It'll be a miracle.
ReplyDeleteRuby Woo
I want to win so I can purchase my own dream home and go on our dream vacation to disney world and sea world an to be able to send my son through college so he can continue to study an be a anthropolog in college an to finish putting the other children through school an to help pay for my son wedding an send them on their honey moon and thats some. Of why I wanna win the 1 million dollars an the 15,000.00 also..
ReplyDeleteI want to want to win so I can purchase our own home before thanksgiving and I know if I win 1,000,000.00 we could enjoy for once what it is like to live in our own home an to be able to send one of my sons to college he wants yo continue to study an be a Anthropology and I wanted to be able to help pay for my sons wedding if I could.and winning would help .thank you pch prize patrol for considering to come to my porch.
ReplyDeleteI wanna wanna Win $1,000,000.00 gwy no. 3577, and $5,000.00 A Week For Life gwy no. 3080 on Oct. 9th Superprize "Special Early Look "....
ReplyDeleteIt would be a blessing,for It would allow me to be the grandfather that I always wanted to be and a father that I other wise couldn't be because of my disability.and it would also give me the ability to help my fellow veterans alot more then I could as a disabled veteran. God only knows that can use it for me and my fellow veterans and my family's and their children's their children children
ReplyDeletePCH I'm claiming my entries to Winnnnnnnnnnn gwy no. 3080, 3578, and 4099.. Pls activate me my Prize No. so that I can complete my Final Step, thnx Pauline from Mia, FL....
ReplyDeletePraying and Dreaming I Won the pch PRIZE PATROL KNOCK ON MY DOOR WITH A BIG CHECK
ReplyDeletePraying and Dreaming I Won the pch PRIZE PATROL KNOCK ON MY DOOR WITH A BIG CHECK
ReplyDelete"IWant To zwin $5,000 A Week FOREVER! "
ReplyDeleteAnd I Am Claiming My Entries And Numbers To Win!
Thank You For The Chance
Lisa Raznick
Yes "I Want To Win "$5,000 A-Week-For-LIFE! " PCH giveaway 3080"
Thank You For The Chance
Lisa Raznick
Estoy reclamando mis entrada a PCH gwy no.4900 $10,000 en nov25th
ReplyDeletePch, $5,000.00 a week for Life Yes Vip Pch , I'll take this.
ReplyDeletePch all I get from this when I enter is a lot of questions, what would you do ? Scream, jump, etc., Pch, I'm Looking to be the next Pch Millionaire Prize winner, as soon as you think that you're going to be the winner, some how you send the superprize up in the mountains, somewhere, Look how many times you've done that, and then you put the next drawing 2 months away, and I know that I don't have a chance to win, but, I keep trying, hopefully one day, the superprize will come my way, and the people from Philadelphia, will begin to have faith to try and not give up, one more time.
ReplyDeleteYes PCH, I wanna Win $5,000.00 A Week "Forever", Superprize...
ReplyDeleteYes pch I would love to win 5, 000.00 a week. Hope this come true I have been trying so hard to win something thank you.
ReplyDeleteI would love to win so I can purchase a home for my children and me we never had our own home before so it will be exciting to have our own an then I would buy our own beds to sleep in an pay off all my debts and take the children on our dream vacation to disney world an yes by winning this would change all our lives for the better whethet it be 5thousand a week for life or 10thousand a week for life it would still change our life for ever .iI'm in it to win it an I hope iwin so I can see how the rich leave an be able to get when you want it
ReplyDeleteMy enter pch gwy no.4900 win $10.000.00 a week for live november 25
ReplyDeletePCH im Claiming and entering my entry to Win $5,000.00 A Week "Forever," Sweepstakes gwy no. 3080 and leavibg a Lagacy to my daughter Eboni her ($5,000.00 A Week For Life), plus im Claiming $5,000.00 A Week For Life which is Now $10,000.00 A Week For Life on Nov. 25th, gwy no. Pls activate my entries so i can WIN!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHello pch elite prize patrol team its 10:25pm Tuesday October 28th and I been searching most the evening and yes I want to win so it can change my life for the better and my children can live in a better atmosphere and in their own home in their own room more comp table then they are now an I would get to take them on vacation to Disney world then I will be able to get what they ask for,for their Christmas gift and they will be so excited. if I win the 1million dollars. and my gwy.no.is 3814,4900,4556
ReplyDeleteI want to win and yes I'm in it to win it an I want my life to change forever for their good and I want to win them one million dollars so I can get my dream home an move into it as soon as we can and get the utilities turned on so we can live comp table an be in our home for Christmas an I was hoping I can surprise all 5 of them with the gifts they ask for and it would make us all happy if we could win .my gwy no. is 4900 an get no. is 3814.I hope y'all will come by an knock an surprise the chambers family
ReplyDeleteWhen it is the time for me to win, I would take my family to Hawaii for a month and with the rest, I would pay off all the debts for my clan and have a beer party for all my friends but I wouldn't invite Obama; I know how much he like a beer in the garden. Sorry, that is just the way I rock!
ReplyDeletePch only if it's possible , I'd love to win this amazing Millionaire superprize. Thank you
ReplyDeletePch, I'm very much in need of this Miracle, and I speak for the survival of my family
ReplyDelete.Thank you for Listening , carefully submitted, William Roberts Jr.
Claim gwy 3080 $5,000.00 aweek for live nove 25
ReplyDeleteI have faith that god is going to give me and my kids a blessing. Hope I get to witness this dream come true.
Yes I accept The Check to Win PCH GWY NO.SW.47-02 4900 to Win $5,000.00 A Week For Life Double The Standard Win $10,000.00 A Week For Life SuperPrize Event GWY NO.3080 Yes I Want to Win Thanks PCH Prize Patrol .
ReplyDeleteYou betcha, i wanna Win $5,000.00 A Week For Life on Feb. 28th, gwy no. 3080, im entering thnx, Pauline....
ReplyDeleteYes I want to Win PCH GWY No 4900 Double The Cash Standard $5,000A Week For Life On Nov. 25th PCH GWY No 3080 plus Win $10,000,000.00 PCH Games Play And Win GWY No 4059 plus Win$1,000.000.00 GWY No.3577
ReplyDeleteYEs I Want To Win I'm In It To Win It This Money Would Be A Life Changing experience For a The Boudreaux Family Thanks PCH !!!!!
I WANT TO WIN, Let My dream come true, I love playing all your games, entering sweepstakes, and doing alot of searching, Please let it come true.
ReplyDeletePCH im Claiming my entries to Win gwy no. 3080 Win $5,000.00 A Week "Forever", Plus Win $10,000.00 A Week For Life on Nov. 25th, gwy no. 4900, and Win $1,000,000.00 A Year, and $5,000.00 A Week For Life, gwy no. 1830 pls activate my entries so that i can win win win, thnx Pauline......
ReplyDeleteyes PCH I want to win the 1,000,000.00 from gwy no 3726 or gwy no 3577 oyes PCH I am in it to win it
ReplyDeleteyes I want to win the 5,000.00 aweek for life from gwy no 4900
ReplyDeleteI feel very furtunate to be given this opportunity to enter into this sweepstakes of a life time. I know winning would change my life, from worries to being content. Thank you so much.
ReplyDelete"I WANT TO WIN", Let My Dreams Come True, So I can Be Merry/Jolly, A BIG Miracle!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletedear PCH I just want to Thank you for giving me this opportunity to win the 5,000.00 aweek for life from gwy no 4900 and I really hope my number be found so that I could be the next big super prize winner
ReplyDeleteyes I want to win the 5,000.00 aweek for life super prize gwy no 4900 and I also want to win the 20,000.00 cash bonus from gwy no 4902
ReplyDeleteYes PCH I Would love To Win $1,000,000.00 SuperPrize PCH GWY NO.3577 plus Win PCH GWY NO. 3080 $5,000.00 A Week For Life SuperPrize GWY No ? 4900
ReplyDeletePlus I Would Like To Win $1,000,000.00 SuperPrize PCH GWY NO. 3148 yes PCH I Would love to Win PCH GWY NO.3726 A Brand New Ford Explorer Worth Over $32,000.00 pls Win Bonus Cash $50,000 .00 GWY NO.3726 plus a Win Holiday Cash $10,000.00 PCH GWY No.3727 yes I Really Want to Win this Life Changing SuperPrize Thanks PCH
yes I want to win the 5,000.00 aweek for life from gwy no 4900 or gwy no 3080
ReplyDeleteyes PCH I want to win the 5,000,000.00 aweek forever from gwy no 3080 or gwy no 4900 and I also want to win the 1,000,000.00 from gwy no 3577 on January 20th
ReplyDeleteYes PCH Prize Patrol I Want To Win PCH GWY No. 4900
ReplyDelete$10,000.00 A Week For Life SuperPrize Event PCH GWY 3080 $5,000.00 A Week For Life Plus Win $1,000,000.00
SuperPrize On Jan.20th PCH GWY 49007 Prize No.48-06plus Win PCH GWY 3814 TV Area $1,000.00 plus Win 2231 Initials JB GWY 3818 $100.00 plus Win PCH GWY No 3726 A brand New Lincoln MKS plus Win PCH GWY
5139 $5,000.00 plus Win PCH GWY 4173 $100.00 ON Dec18th yes I Want To Win This Millionaire Making Opportunity my Family And My Grandkids . Thanks PCH Prize Patrol
Pch im claiming and entering my entries to Win $5,000.00 A Week "Forever', gwy no. 3080, Winning a Millionaire-making Superprize, 1830, Win Eligibility $1,000,000.00 on Jan. 20th, gwy no. 3577, pls activate all my entries, thnx Pauline....
ReplyDelete*I* *W*A*N*T* *T*O* *W*I*N* *T*H*E* $5000 *W*E*E*K* *4* *L*I*F*E* *P*C*H* *I*S* *A*W*E*S*O*M*E* !
ReplyDeleteHi PCH yes I Want To Win PCH GWY NO. 4059 $10,000,000.00 PCH Games Instant Win Plus I would Like To Win $1,000,000.00 SuperPrize PCH GWY No. 3577 on Jan 20th Prize NO. 48-04 pCH NO.49007 plus PCH GWY NO. 3080 $5,000.00 A Week For Life SuperPrize Double The Standard $10,000.00 A Week For Life SuperPrize PCH GWY No. 4900 Plus Win PCH GWY
ReplyDeleteNO.3814 $1,000.00 TV Area Award plus PCH GWY no.3818 $100.00 JB. 2231 plus Win A Lincoln MKS worth Over $46,000.00 PCH GWY No. 3726 .Thanks PCH .
I would.like to win to help my children and my church. I have a blind daughter that would be so pleased to get some help with her life. I would be very grateful to win the superprize for $1,000,000 on Jan.20-2015 on pch.
DeleteYes, I would love to win the superprize
DeleteYes, I want to win $5,000.00 a week forever on february 27th, thank you pch, amen
DeleteHi PCH I would Love To Win PCH GWY No.3080 plus GWY No. 1830 Plus PCH GWY NO. 4900 plus Win 20 Prizes Totaling $3,000.00 5138A SW20140670 yes PCH Prize Patrol I Would like To Win plus I Want To Win PCH GWY NO.3577 On Jan 20th PCH NO.49007 48-04 58-06
ReplyDeleteThanks PCH For An Opportunity To Win.
yes pch I want to win the 1,000,000.00 from gwy no 3577 on January 20th and I also want to win the 5,000.00 aweek for life gwy no 4900
ReplyDeleteHi PCH Prize Patrol I Want To Win PCH GWY NO. 3577 $1,000,000.00 SuperPrize On Jan 20th PCH NO 49007
ReplyDeletePrize NO. 58-06 plus Win $55,000.00 Bonus Cash PCH GWY NO. 3600 Plus Win $25,000.00 Bonus Cash PCH GWY NO. 4902 Plus Win PCH GWY No. 3080 $5,000.00
a Week For Life Double The Cash Standards $10,000.00 A Week For Life PCH GWY 4900 plus Win pCH GWY NO.
3814 TV Area Award $1,000.00 yes PCH Prize Patrol I Want To Win.Thanks PCH Fo This Millionaire Making Opportunity.
Pch im claiming my entries to winnnnnnnnnnn $5,000.00 A Week "Forever", gwy no. 3080, $1,000,000.00 on Jan. 20th, gwy no. 3577, Plus Win a millionaire-making superprize, gwy no. 1830, pls activate all my entries thnx Pauline.....
ReplyDeletePch im claiming and entering "Final Step " to Winnnnnnnnnnn $1,000,000.00 Superprize on Jan. 20th, gwy no. 3577 plus gwy no. 3148,3080,4900 pls activate all my entries thnx Pauline.....
ReplyDeletePch im claiming and entering my Final Step to Winnnnnnnnnnn $5,000.00 A Week "Forever" Sweepstakes, gwy no. 3080, 3814, 3577, 3148, 4900 pls activate all my entries thnx Pauline. ...
ReplyDeleteyes I want to win the 5,000.00 aweek forever gwy no 3080
ReplyDeleteYes PCH I Need To Win $10,000.00 Holiday Cash PCH GWY NO. 3727 Plus Win $1,000,000.00 SuperPrize On JAN.20th PCH GWY NO 3577 PCH 49007 PCH-14P52003 SW5108 plus Win PCH GWY NO.3814 $1,000.00 TV Area Award Plus Win $100.00 Initials JB 2231 PCH GWY NO.3818 Plus Win PCH GWY NO.3080 $5,000.00 A Week For Life SuperPrize PCH GWY NO.4900 yes PCH Prize PatrolElite Team I want To WIN Thanks PCH .
ReplyDeleteWould love to win 5.000 a week give away I keep putting in al L these sites to put my name in. I play a lot of games! Some days it's over welming but I sure try cuz I have dreams!
ReplyDeleteYes PCH I Would love To Win PCH GWY No.3080 $5,000.00 A Week For Life PCH GWY NO.4900 Millionaire Making Opportunity Thanks PCH Happy Holidays .
ReplyDeletePCH im claiming my entries to Win $5,000.00 A Week "Forever", gwy no. 3080 plus Win $1,000,000.00 Superprize, gwy no. 3577 on Jan.20th in a " Special Early Look", so.pls activate my entries thnx Pauline.....
ReplyDeletePCH I'm claiming my gwy no. 3080 and 3577.. I really want to win this it will mean alot to me and help me out alot... If I win it'll be the best yr to start off and get out of depts for good
ReplyDeleteHi pch just wanted to let you all know i want to win it all so please I Medardo florez want to claim and secure my fort coming superprize no . On to the Winner Selection List , and also want to confirm that SuperPrize Number be adde on to the Winner Selection List a millionaire-making SuperPrize,and claim & secure full elijibility to activate my superprize no.for pchgwy no.3577 on to the winners selection list to win a $1,OOO,OOO.OO Prize on January 2Oth
ReplyDeleteI want to win $5,000.00 a week for life GWY 3808 for Feb.27/15 ,$1,000,000.00 GWY 3577& Brand new Lincoln MKS for Jan.20/15. I need to secure my number you give on winner list!. Happy new Year to everybody at PCH.By Felipe P. Dela Cruz
ReplyDeletePCH Prize Patrol, Yes I want to win Super prize $1,000,000.00 GWY 3577 ,for Jan.20/15 & Brand New Lincoln MKS GWY 3526 ,$5,000.00 a week for life GWY 3808 for Feb.27,2015.I need to secure my number you give on winner list. Happy New year to all PCH!
ReplyDeleteI really could use $5000. A week for life. Or $1,000,000. Win on January 20th. I really need medical help asap. I have a fused right leg 3 " shorter with shoe lift and blood clots. My L1 and L4 vertebraes in lower back are crushed 80 %. I'm widowed after 31 years married. My dear wife Sue was killed in hit and run Christmas a few years ago. Then a friend from church steals my 100k life Insurance money from me when I was vonorable. I've had a rough time. Good luck to all. We all need a break. Thank you. Steve. :-)
ReplyDeleteYes PCH I Would Like To Win PCH GWY.NO. 3577 $1,000,000.00 SuperPrize On Jan.20th PCH-14P52003
ReplyDeletePrize NO. 52-06 PC49007 plus Win A Brand New Lincoln MKS worth Over $46,000 PCH GWY NO.3726 plus Win $100,000.00 Cash Prize PCH GWY NO.3726 plus win $15,000 Dream Vacation PCG GWY No.4651 plus Win $55,000.00 Bonus Cash PCH GWY No.3600 Plus Win $25,000.00 Bonus Cash PCH GWY No.4902 plus Win PCH GWY NO.3080 $5,000.00 A Week For Life SuperPrize Event PCH GWY NO.4900 plus Win PCH GWY NO.3818 $100.00 Initials JB 2231 .Thanks PCH
I would love to win ! Just pick me this is just crazy I do this everyday I play the games and leave messages everyday I'm getting tired of all this the e-mails are out of control my dreams of winning money is far out there but I want to believe all this lately I loseing faith!!!
ReplyDeleteI would like to make things better for my grandchildren and my children and live comfortable and bless family and friends
ReplyDeleteGreetings and Happy New Year from the Panhandle of Oklahoma, PCH! I claim entry activation to win give away #3080 forever super prize February 27, 2015 with bonuses! This win will assist our on going medical treatments and therapy's and possible relocation to need our medical necessities! I am honored to be a member of the Millionaire Dream Cub as qualification to become the big winner! This win will provide a financial security for our children an education fund for our grandchildren, paying it forward has been a policy for us for many years and will continue on a larger scale, and a family vacation will be established to reunite our children and grandchildren. Thank-you, PCH, it will be an honor to represent and be the first to win the big check in our geographic area, since there people in our area in need of help. Sending blessings to all on this New Years Eve and safe travels! It will be humbling to meet the PrizePatrol in person!
ReplyDeletePCH im entering my entries to Win $5,000.00 A Week "Forever", gwy no. 3080, 1830, 3577, and 3727 so pls activate ALL my entries... Plus im entering 10Entries Last Day To Enter $10,000.00 Cash, i wanna wanna Winnnnnn, thnx Pauline.....
ReplyDeleteYes PCH I Would Love To Win $5,000.00 A Week Forever
ReplyDeleteOn Feb.27th PCH GWY No. 3080 Tracking Report PCH 01003 SW101 prize No. 01-06 plus Win $1,000,000.00
SuperPrize On Jan. 20th PCH GWY No.3577 PCH -14P52003 SW5108 Prize NO. 52-06 plus Win $1,000.00
TV Area Award PCH GWY No.3814 .
yes I want to win the 5,000.00 aweek forever gwy no 3080 on Feb 27th
ReplyDeletePCH im entering to Win $5,000.00 A Week "Forever" Prize on Feb. 27th and Win $5,000.00 A Week For Life, gwy no. 3080 pls. Activate my entries to Winnnnnnnnn, thnx Pauline.....
ReplyDeleteI hope to win Gwy no. 4651 15,000 00 bonus 3080 5,000,00 a week forever, I need to win this , i almost lost my life this morning, I. Need this win
DeleteI want and hope to win GWY NO.3080,4651,
DeletePCH im entering my entries to Win $5,000.00 A Week "Forever" Prize and $5,000.00 A Week For Life on Feb. 27th, gwy no. 3080 pls Activate my entries so i can Winnnnnnnnn, thnx Pauline....
ReplyDeletePrize Eligibility :hi pch yes thank u all amesing aportunati u have given me and my familia to win it all i love you all god bless u all
ReplyDeleteI, medardo florez, hereby declare full acceptance of my $1,000,000.00 prize eligibility. Should I be selected the winner, the Prize Patrol will be coming to 356 S 20th St in San Jose to make me a millionaire! I want to claim and secure full elibility and ownership for my forth coming superprize no.to be add on to the winers selection list to win$!!!!!!thank u jesus
for a $1,OOO,OOO.OO pch gwy No. 3577 on jan. 20Th and also pchgwy no.3080 a $5,OOO.OO A Week "Forever" on feb..27th and also a $1O,OOO,OOO.OO from PCH Gwy. No. 3O8O
Prize Eligibility :hi pch yes thank u all amesing aportunati u have given me and my familia to win it all i love you all god bless u all
ReplyDeleteI, medardo florez, hereby declare full acceptance of my $1,000,000.00 prize eligibility. Should I be selected the winner, the Prize Patrol will be coming to 356 S 20th St in San Jose to make me a millionaire! I want to claim and secure full elibility and ownership for my forth coming superprize no.to be add on to the winers selection list to win$!!!!!!thank u jesus
for a $1,OOO,OOO.OO pch gwy No. 3577 on jan. 20Th and also pchgwy no.3080 a $5,OOO.OO A Week "Forever" on feb..27th and also a $1O,OOO,OOO.OO from PCH Gwy. No. 3O8O
I Want To Win PCH Prize Patrol yes I would Like To Win
ReplyDeletePCH GWY No. 3080 $5.000.00 A a Week FOREVER. on February.27th Double The Standard $10,000.00 A Week For Life PCH GWY No. 4900 PCH01003 SW15-01 plusWin $1,000,000.00 SuperPrize PCH GWY No. 3577
SW5108 PCH-14P52003 On jan20th plus win $1,000.00 TV Area Award 210 PCH GWY No.3814 .Thanks PCH
I Want To Win PCH Prize Patrol yes I would Like To Win
ReplyDeletePCH GWY No. 3080 $5.000.00 A a Week FOREVER. on February.27th Double The Standard $10,000.00 A Week For Life PCH GWY No. 4900 PCH01003 SW15-01 plusWin $1,000,000.00 SuperPrize PCH GWY No. 3577
SW5108 PCH-14P52003 On jan20th plus win $1,000.00 TV Area Award 210 PCH GWY No.3814 .Thanks PCH
I have experienced so much hardship. Both of my parents are deceased, and the father of my 3 children was deported. I can't afford to be reunited with my family. Not even to visit. I will also be graduating in June this year getting my Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and student loans will be due. I would also like to give to my church. I'm believing that GOD can do this for me and my family. I have faith and this will change the rest of my life.
ReplyDeleteyes PCH I want to win the 5,000.00 aweek forever on FEB27th from gwy no 3080 and have my name place on the winner check
ReplyDeleteYes PCH I would like To Win $5,000.00 A Week FOREVER PCH GWY NO.3080 PCH14P52003 SW101 Form NO. FOREVER Prize NO. 0106 plus Win $1,000.00
ReplyDeleteTV Area Award 210 PCH GWY No.3814 Plus Win PCH GWY NO. 3726 $100,000.00 Bonus Cash Plus Win Lincoln MKS Worth over $46,000.000 PCH GWY No.3726 plus Win $55,000.00 Bonus Cash PCH GWY No. 3600 plus Win $25,000.00 Bonus Cash PCH GWY NO.4902 plus Win $1,000,000.00 SuperPrize On Jan.20th
PCH GWY 3577 PCH 49007 SW5108 52-04 plus Win 2231 $100.00 Initials JB PCH GWY NO.3818 .Thanks PCH
PCH im claiming and entering to Win $5,000.00 A Week "Forever" Sweepstakes on Feb. 27th, gwy no. 3080.... Pls activate my entry to Winnnnnnnnn thnx Pauline......
ReplyDeletePCH im searching to enter to Win $5,000.00 A Week "Forever" Sweepstakes on Feb.27th, gwy no. 3080 plus Win $5,000.00 A Week For Life... Pls activate my entries to Win gwy no. 3148, 3577, 1830, 3726, 3727 thnx Pauline.....
ReplyDeleteYes PCH Prize Patrol I Want To Win $5,000.00 A Week FOREVER PCH GWY No.3080 NO. 15-0108 PCH 14P52003 SW101 Prize NO. 01-06 plus Win PCH GWY NO. 3814 Win $1,000.00 local TV Area Award 210 Houston Texas plus Win PCH GWY NO. 3818 Win $100.00 initials JB Initials Contest 2231
ReplyDeletePCH im claiming my entry to Winnnnnnn on Feb. 27th, gwy no. 3080.. I wanna Win $5,000.00 A Week "Forever', plus im claiming to Win $5,000.00 A Week For Life, choosing someone to leave a lagacy to, yes yes yes pls activate!!! Pls gwy no. 3148,3577,1830,4900,4950,3726,3727, thnx Pauline....
ReplyDeletePCH im claiming and entering to Win $5,000.00 A Week "Forever" on Feb. 27th, gwy no. Plus the New Win $5,000.00 A Week For Life, leaving a legacy to someone I choose, pls activate my entries to Winnnnnnn, pls activate thnx Pauline......
ReplyDeletePCH im entering to Win $ 5,000.00 A Week " Forever " Prize on Feb.27th, pls activate my entries gwy no. 3080,3148,3577 thnx Pauline. ....
ReplyDeleteYes PCH Prize Patrol I want To Win $5,000.00 A Week FOREVER On FEB.27th PCH GWY NO.3080 PCH 14P52003 SW101 Prize No.01-06Document ID NO.02-002 PCH01003 plus Win PCH GWY NO.3814 $1,000.00 Houston TV Area Award 210 plus Win $1,000,000.00 SuperPrize On Jan.20th PCH GWY NO.3577 PCH 49007
ReplyDeleteSW5108 SW1501 prize NO.52-04 Plus Win PCH GWY No.3818 $100.00 initials JB 2231initials Contest plus Win $1,000,000.00 SuperPrize PCH GWY NO.4950 plus Win $10,000,000.00 SuperPrize PCH Games Instant Wins PCH GWY NO.4900 $25,000 For 29 Years Final Payment $275,000.00 Thanks PCH
I would love to win Feb 17-2015 , $5, 000.00 cash for life . I am 58 years old and now disable. I have been disable for going 5 years now . I can no longer work .I am a father of 4 kids and my wife . When I got sick I first lost my job of working there for years. Then I had to sell everything I work all those years for to pay bills and make ends meet . Didnt work I lost my home in forcloser. Now I live in a trailer for now . I am to old to start over now . I could use a brake in life and win . I would set up my self with the things I had to sell. And hepl other like me .
ReplyDeleteDeep in my heart I believe that I have already won this contest. I am only waiting to be declared the winner on February 27th.
ReplyDeleteYes PCH I would like to win $5,000.00 A Week FOREVER
ReplyDeleteOn Feb27th pCH GWY NO. 3080. PCH 01003 Prize NO. 01-06 PCH 14P52003 Document ID NO.02-002 plus Win $1,000.00 PCH GWY NO. 3814 Houston Area TV Award
210 plus Win $1,000,000.00 SuperPrize On Jan.20Th PCH GWY NO.3577 PCH 49007 SW5108 Prize NO. 52-04 plus Win $100.00 Initials JB PCH GWY NO. 3818 plus Win $10,000,000.00 PCH GWY No.4900. PCH Games Instant Wins yes I Want TonWin Thanks PCH
yes PCH I want to win the 5,000.00 aweek forever on Feb 27th and I also want to win the 100.00 for confirm my initial CJ from gwy no 3818
ReplyDeleteI believe I have won this contest so I am waiting for my $1000000.00 cheque.
ReplyDeleteYes PCH I Would Like To But They Making It Hard Because You All Saying I'm Not Entering But I Am I Want To Win For Me &My Family No I'm Not Cheating I'm Playing The Game Fair And Square yes I do Want To Win
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm Still Trying . Thanks PCH
I have received so many requests for donations to worthwhile charitable institutions but cannot afford the many donations. If I win the Feb. 27th. sweepstakes then I will be so grateful to be able to do for those many charitable groups and to pay off several college school loans of my grandchildren. I pray that God will guide the winner's number to be mine and I thank you for the opportunity. Theresa Brown
ReplyDeletePCH I claiming and entering to Win $ 5,000.00 A Week " Forever " Prize and claiming to win $ 5,000.00 A Week For Life Superprize, gwy no.3080, where I can leave a legacy to someone of my choose pls Activate my entries 3577,3814,4900,4650,4651,4749 plus pls activate my Activation Alert code 1830 2276 so I can Win on Feb.27th, thnx Pauline. ....
ReplyDeleteyes PCH Prize Patrol I would Like To Secure. pCH GWY No 3726 plus Win $5,000.00 A Week FOREVER. on Feb. 27th PCH GWY 3080 PCH 14P52003 PCH 01003 Prize No.01-06 SW101 Document ID NO.02-002 pls Win $1,000,000.00. SuperPrize On Jan.20Th. PCH GWY 3577 PCH 49007 SW5108 Prize NO.52-04 SW1501 plus Win PCH GWY 3814 $1,000.00 Houston TV Area Award 210
ReplyDeletePlus Win $10.00 initials JB 2231 plus Claim Prizes worth $3,000.000 5138A plus Win PCH GWY 4902 $25,000.00 Bonus Cash plus Win PCH GWY 4950 $10,000,000.00 SuperPrize PCH Games Instant Wins PCH GWY 4900 .plus Win GWY NO.3600 $55,000.00 Bonus Cash Plus Win $25,000.00 Bonus Cash PCH GWY NO. 3600 .plus Win PCH GWY 3726 $100,000.00 A Year For Life plus Win a Brand New Lincoln MKS worth Over $46,000.00 PCH GWY NO. 3726.thanks PCH
Yes PCH Prize Patrol Elite Team I Would Love To Win $5,000.00 A Week FOREVER ON Feb.27th PCH GWY NO. 3080 PCH 01003; PCH14P52003 Prize NO.01-06 SW101 Plus Win $55,000,00 Bonus Cash PCH GWY NO.
ReplyDelete3600 plus Win $25,000.00 Bonus Cash PCH GWY NO. 3600 plus Win $10,000.00 Houston TV Area Award 210
PCH GWY NO.3814 plus Win $100.00 Initials JB 2231 plus Win PCH GWY NO. 4651$15,000.00 Bonus Cash plus I Would Like To Win $1,000,000.00 SuperPrize On Jan 20th PCH GWY NO.3577 plus Claim Prizes Worth $3,000,00 yes PCH I Would Love This Millionaire Making SuperPrize Opportunity .I Do Believe Dreams Come True !!!!! Thanks PCH
Come over, my home in CA!
ReplyDeleteHi PCH Prize Patrol Elite Team I Want To Claim Prize No. to Win $5,000.00 A Week FOREVER On Feb.27th PCH GWY NO.3080 Document ID NO. 02-002 PCH 14P52003
ReplyDeletePCH 01003 Prize NO 01-06 SW101 Plus Win PCH GWY NO.3726 $100,000.00 Cash Prize Plus Win Brand New Lincoln MKS worth Over $46,000.00 PCH GWY No 3726plus Win $55,000.00 Bonus Cash PCH GWY 3600 Plus Win $25,000.00 Bonus Cash PCH GWY 3600 plus Win PCH GWY NO.4950 $1,000,000.00 SuperPrize $25,000.00 For 29 Years Final Payment $275,000.00 plus Win PCH GWY NO. 3814 $1,000.00 Houston Area TV Award 210 plus Win PCH GWY 4902 $25,000.00 Bonus Cash Yes PCH I Want To Win To Help Myself And My Family .Thanks PCH For The Opportunity To In A Millionaire Making Opportunity SuperPrize .God Bless
ReplyDeleteYes PCH Prize Patrol Elite Team I Would Love To Win PCH GWY No.3080 $5,000.00 A Week FOREVER. on Feb27th and Leave A Legacy to A Loved One PCH 01003 PCH 14P52003 Prize NO.02-08. Form NO. FOREVER. Plus Win PCH GWY NO. 4900 Millionaire Making Prize Opportunity plus Win $1,000,000.00 SuperPrize On Jan20th PCH GWY 3577 PCH 49007
ReplyDeleteSW5108 52-04 plus Win $1,000.00 Houston TV Area Award 210 PCH GWY NO.3814 plus Win $100.00 Initials JB 2231 PCH GWY NO.3818 plus Claim Prizes worth $3,000.00 plus Win PCH GWY 3600 $55,000.00 & $25,000.000 Bonus Cash plus Win PCH GWY 4950 $1,000,000.00 Cash Prize Yes PCH IWould Love To Win The Mega SuperPrize Event Thanks PCH
yes PCH I want to win the 5,000.00 aweek forever on Feb 27th gwy no 3080 plus today 40,000.00 forever prize bonus prize gwy no 3600